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He knelt down and double-checked the bodies. He found a knife stuck in the boot of one of the men. He took it and slid it into his boot.Opening the money purses he had taken the previous evening, he was surprised to find that each man had several shells. Shaking his head, he said, “They must have mugged someone. They had too much money on them.”“I heard that Sam over at the general store was mugged the other night,” John said looking down at the bodies. Sam was still seeing double from the blow. I asked if I could taste her pussy, and she agreed. she has a fat wet pussy and i was eating all I could. She began moaning and I laid down on the floor and said " sit on my face" she did so with no objection. her beautiful ass covered my mouth and she leaned and sucked my dick. this went on for 10 minutes. we stood up and began fucking in the shower. My hard cock, was in her tight virgin asshole. She was screaming with pleasure. after 45 minutes of straight ass fucking I blew a load into her. But Rajat caught hold of her thigh firmly and kept his mouth firmly pressed between her legs.“Please…remove your mouth from there….”.Her whole body was shaking as if she had received shocked from her lower bottom. Her body ache and she looks like she had loose control of her body.She started whining and started making strange noises from her mouth.She moves her head on both side of the bed and u*********sly started rubbing her legs over his head.There was a sign of shame as well as excitement. I put myself inside of her, and began to make sweet love with her. I knew our friendship would never be the same, but I didn't care, I just wanted to please her as much as I possibly could with the little time we had left with each other. We looked each other straight in the eye the entire time. We both climaxed at the same time. I kissed her again and whispered in her ear "Yes I do love you." She smiled at me and we kissed some more. She then got on top of me and moved down to my.
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